I am so thankful for the four girls i live with at 1311....
Today a girl, who is going to be moving into our house next august, came by with her parents to get their approval. I can't imagine leaving this house in eleven weeks! It made me so sad to show her and her parents around our home that we've made so many memories in the past year and a half. Her dad asked us if we had enjoyed living here... and all i could muster up was, "we've loved it!"
It doesn't matter to him that I like to drive Caitlin crazy by putting out seasonal decorations a month early or that Molly loves to never clean her room...or that she has no idea how to cook...or that Christy actually loves to cook as well as has a million aprons.... or that Rachel likes to wake me up at 2 am by turning the water off in the bathroom!
It's going to be so hard to say goodbye to our home!
We've had some great bonding time this weekend! Friday we went all around town getting Molly's nose pierced and Christy and Rachel's ears pierced, eating cookie cake, eating rhuan thai, eating yogurt lab, and finishing up with a concert!
Saturday, we got up bright and early to eat at Edlewiess (my favorite bakery in Tuscaloosa) then headed to the Indian mounds in Moundville...
What a weekend! I'm sad to say the Tide lost for the first time in 29 games but at least I still can be happy about the Yanks performance this weekend!
I'm looking forward to support raising this next week! I have 13 weeks before I head to South Africa to live for the next year and I have a long way to go before I can leave. I know these next 13 weeks will really be faith-stretching. I can't wait to see how the Lord will provide!