I must admit...I'm a blog virgin. I love reading other blogs, but never considered having my own...so we will see how this goes in the months to come. My goal is to record my last year at the University of Alabama as I discover what lies next.
"You can have whatever you like" has been the theme of spring break '10. I am at the beach with my best friends! We have had an amazing past couple of days getting burned, working out, cooking, drinking wine,shopping, playing games, and of course, observing all the rednecks at the Flora-Bama (we are fortunate enough to be walking distance from that fine establishment)! You can't put a price on time spent with best friends! We all have such different personalities, which sometimes, can be conflicting. For example: tonight, some of us wanted seafood and others wanted country cooking. We ended up eating at Lambert's, which is more like a circus of food pranks, flirty waiters, throwed rolls, and unhealthily enormous amounts of fried foods. Needless to say, we ate way too much and left feeling overwhelmed by the "show" we had just been drug through. One thing we did all agree on was stopping at Target on the way home to pick up the essentials like shoes, pillows, and Nyquil.
Now we are lounging at the condo, enjoying a glass of wine. The best part of the story is, it's only Monday so we have an entire week left with not a thing on the agenda!
She only acts this way toward people she likes.
Missing yall already...
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