We made it to the Southern Hemisphere!
There is no way to give proper thanks to everyone who has prayed for me and sacrificially given so that our team could report here on time. I would most definitely not be in Durban had the Lord not specifically chosen each of you to help me in some way. A million thanks to you!
South Africa has welcomed us well! After the ice storm of the decade delayed our flight out of Birmingham, we finally made it to a very hot South Africa.
After being here for 36 hours, we took off down the coast to a staff retreat with the rest of Durban’s Crusade staff. The land here is unbelievably beautiful. The rolling hills covered with sugarcane farms on one side, and the Indian Ocean on the other, made for a breathtaking drive.The four day retreat was so refreshing after a long week of traveling and settling in. The staff team made us feel like family. There were four couples, one single lady, and seven interns there. Three of the couples have been on staff in South Africa for between 15 and 30 years, so you can imagine how well they all know each other and the wisdom they have. They each have such a unique life story of how the Lord brought them to South Africa. You wouldn’t imagine the history they’ve seen take place here over the years.
Some highlights from the past week: learning how to drive a manual car on the opposite side of the road, and on the opposite side of the car, going to Pure Venom (Africa’s largest reptile farm), eating at Waffle House (not to be confused with the USA’s version), seeing the rocky coast of Ramsgate, and discovering Mastsam chicken at a local Thai restaurant.
It’s been so nice to see more of Durban and to feel more comfortable living here but I am so ready for the students to be back on Campus from their summer break and to begin ministry.
I hope you are doing well! Please keep me updated on life in the States!
I am looking forward to continually updating you on life in South Africa and how the Lord is working in Durban.
With sincere gratitude,
Praying for y'all! I can't believe you are finally there. :) Love you!
KATE! So so SO happy to hear from you! We talk about how we miss you all the time... every time I see that chucky cheese pic on the white board my heart breaks a little :( PRAYING for ya'll!! Please tell Lauren hello for us too!!
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