
Thursday, August 4, 2011

A guest blogger: Kelsey.

Well I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve been here in Durban, South Africa for almost two weeks and this past week has absolutely flown by even faster than the first. I really can’t explain how refreshing and amazing my time here has been. I have missed Kate so so much since she left in January. We spent a lotttt of time together the six months leading up to when she left and so these past seven months have been a little weird without her. So to say I was so excited to be reunited with her was an understatement.

I’m so thankful I’ve been able to come and just live life here with her and her team and see the way the Lord is working through her here in Durban. He is working here and He is faithful. He is good and I have seen that through Kate, Lauren, Erica, Alyssa, Mdu, and Anele and their commitment to the ministry here.

I don’t want to leave here in two days. I’m going to miss talking Kate into throwing paper airplanes in the law library, staying up with her and just talking about whatever is on our mind, scaring Kate with my creepy voice and watching her freak out, naming geckos in her house, making goofy faces and Kate hysteically dying laughing, morning prayer with the team before going on campus, forcing Kate to touch the Indian Ocean with me, chocolate croissants from Woolworth’s, oh and the list goes on. But mostly I will just miss Kate’s sweet spirit. She is so selfless, welcoming and always wants to do things for you.

I can’t wait for her to be back at the end of the year but I’m so glad she is here. I’m so thankful to have a friend who has followed the Lord’s calling and is committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the students here. I’ve loved seeing Kate interact with the girls here. I know they see the Lord in her and He is glorified because of it. My prayer is that the team here would be strengthened, excited and motivated by the Holy Spirit to finish this semester well.

I am so thankful for being able to come for two weeks and will always remember my time here in South Africa. It has been a trip I will remember for a lifetime.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

power outages.

The past few days Anele, Kelsey and I have been focusing most of our attention on campus towards advertising an outreach for law students. Last night was the big event and it was so successful, thanks to the Lord's work in getting students there! We had an American lawyer come visit Howard to speak on "God's agenda for the law profession". To be honest, I wasn't sure if this would draw a crowd without having refreshments too...but much to my surprise, students came to hear Brent Perry share from his experience as a lawyer in Texas. I was so encouraged to see how interested and excited these students were to hear how Mr. Perry lives out his faith as a lawyer. The event lasted till around 7, then we headed home only to discover our power had been turned off due to unknown reasons. I have to say I was pretty frustrated by this, seeing that we had not received a power bill this month to indicate a past due amount - either way, I actually really enjoyed a candle lit evening at home...even though we did have to skype with Christie Smith by flashlight (it was kind of like telling ghost stories), until that burned out, and then we lit a candle. I felt like I was being held hostage and questioned by the government (a.k.a. Christie) like they do in 24. Needless to say, I'm still dying laughing about the events of the evening.

I should also mention I've become a shark week fan, as of yesterday. So, Happy Shark Week Y'all!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

shipwreck at sunrise.

Look at this beautiful picture my friend Cath took this morning of a shipwreck near Durban beach. Isn't she an amazing photographer?