
Saturday, October 22, 2011


I'm completely obsessed with Katie Daisy and her beautiful designs. She has a great selection of her work on Etsy.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

gotta have.

I love these Kindle covers by Kate Spade. Which do I want though?

two things.

This past weekend we took the guys, Anele and Mdu, to the Drakensburg Mountains for a team retreat. Because we arrived late Friday night, we had no idea the beauty that surrounded us. It was a breathtaking surprise when I awakened to see wild horses grazing on the vast green hillside right off of our veranda. We spent the majority of Saturday hiking around and exploring, what seemed to be untouched land. And the rest of our time, we played Phase 10. I had no idea how much fun that game is...I'm definitely addicted now.
I love the peace you get from being in nature, removed from civilization.

In other news...Lauren's cousin, Neesha, and a group of Americans have been traveling around the world, sharing the Gospel to children through games and activities. They've just been to South Africa and are headed to Kenya and India next. It was my privileged to join them one day to see how the Lord is using them. I'll let you check out the website learn more about it, but I must say, I was just amazed by their strategy in making the Gospel relevant for kids. I thought they would probably just play games that I've seen countless times in VBS, but their ideas are new and extremely creative! Chip, the developer, is brilliant! He has such a heart for the word of God and it's so evident in his presentations. I can't wait to see where the Lord takes Grain Game!

I hope you are having a great day! It's almost the weekend!!

Friday, October 14, 2011


On this particular Friday, tiny purple flowers are showering down on me from the most beautiful tree at a cafe on campus. I've been enjoying a latte with two of my closest friends at Howard, Sam and Trushka. With my time here drawing near an end, I'm soaking up every second I have with my students. I'm so fortunate to have made such genuine relationships over the past nine months.
This weekend my team, including Anele and Mdu, are heading for an intern getaway to the Drakensburg mountains located about two hours from Durban. I'm so excited to spend time in nature and with my team!
I hope you are having a lovely Friday! Enjoy the weekend!
Here's a poem Sam wrote and shared at our weekly meeting and the student camp a few weeks back.

Sitting with Sam

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

helping out.

It was a privileged to serve in the community of Chatsworth helping serve food and distribute clothing donated from our students. Around 15 students gathered in this small lean-to tent and organized cloths into women's and men's to then give away according to need to the 25 or so Zulu people sitting. It was total chaos as people were yelling for pants, shirts, skirts, shoes, or whatever caught their eye. I felt like it was black Friday at WalMart. While the men and women fought over essentials, the children were having a blast singing and dancing in the back and when the madness was over, Lelo, a student from Westville, shared the Gospel with the, now well clothed people. We then finished by serving delicious briani. I love when we have the opportunity to work in the community with our students! Hopefully we will be able to host this event again before semester's end.

women's table
men's table
sweet kids, waiting patiently